Friday, August 13, 2010



This ESL educational game is actually called, "The Christmas Tree."

The best way to have fun with this esl game is to:

1. Draw a large Christmas tree on the blackboard.

2. Draw 1 large Xmas ornament on the end of every single tree branch. (You must atleast have six ornaments on the tree. Atleast three on each side and a single huge star on the top of the Chritmas Tree.)

3. Divide the English second language esl students into 2 teams. One team could be the "Red" team and the other team is usually the "Blue" team.

4. Get every single team to stand up in two straight lines a few feet away from the whiteboard.

5. Ask the two students inside the front in the line a good English question. Which ever student answers it first correctly ~ will get to throw a stickyball at the Christmas tree.

Every Xmas Ornament is worth 3 points, the massive star on the top of the Xmas Tree can be worth five points and if the ESL students hit the tree they're awarded 1 point.

6. Immediately after the 2 students in the front of the line have had their own chance... they will proceed to the end of the line. And you proceed to play this way until finally all of the ornaments and 5 point star have been hit!

The previously mentioned is a explanation on how to play this esl educational game a particular way. Obviously, in case you wish to make up some various rules or modify the esl learning game in anyway ~ modify the esl learning game to fit the needs of the esl students. Have fun and continually do your greatest to help educate all of the Esl students.

If you would like to find other ESL Educational Games go to:

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